A Bunch of Stuff

What an Okay weekend! The weather has been incredible, no one was hurt and some progress has been made.

The kids were out all day, so I had all the day to myself.  Planned to go for a cheeky morning-ish run, then do some work, catch up on some things. I say morning-ish because I am a person of great enthusiasm and great intentions, and a master procastinator, and that's not even a caricature. So at 12.30ish pm I exit the house, all geared up, sunhat, glasses, suncream, running belt with 2 drinks, snacks, energy gel, podcast set to play, favourite runniing leggings on, world was my oyster. 

On a last ditch at procastination, after the nearnest traffic lights I decide to message Tara to remind her to run this weekend, as I am doing it now. It's been incredible hard to match up our time recently, and it is incredibly unethical and also illegal to kidnap her and shove a chloroform soaked sock in her mouth, lock her in a room, feed and water her, then pick her brains at stuff, have that executive meeting we keep saying we will have. Just joking, it's just frustrating, and she is working all the time, I swear. The thing is that I cannot envisage doing this marathon without her, as it's our thing together. Some call it codependency, I call it 'two is never a crowd'.

So she messages back saying that she could run later, and it would be nice if we did it together. DOhhh!? I agree! So I turned on my hills, went back home, changed in normal people's clothes, and went to nearest sun soaked terrace to eat some pasta, read, and people watch. Absolute heaven.

SO we started our run at 4ish pm, and halfway she left me in the Marshes and darted back home as she had a busy day. I continued to run for another 40ish minutes, but didn't feel like it. It was OK, but I felt jealousy pangs at all those people hanging our in beer gardens and strolling about, and decided that for a joyous run at weekend, with nice weather coming, maybe it's better to do it much earlier in the morning, when it's not that buzzy and festive in London. 

Weird bit is that I felt my calf muscles in a dull pain. What saurcery is this, last thing I want is niggling pains. And I felt meh during the run. That's another sort of saurcery that I need to look at.

So adding it all up, it was OK!

I need to figure out how to find photos on my phone and attach them here without too  much hassle, but that is for another day.
