
Showing posts with the label runner's high

The successful long run where everything was perfect

  Tara's phone said 18k, mine said 15k. Eh, neither here nor there! At any rate, it's the furtherest we've ever done it 1.) together, and 2.), after Covid. That wasn't the only buzz from the  workout  Where do I start! The weather was beautiful, at least when we started, fresh and sunny. During our run it also snowed and blizzarded.  The first point is that this woman is good at this. She goes and goes methodically, rhytmically. And goes, ang goes. This is excellent for me, as I lose focus at times and stop *ever so* briefly to stretch an ankle, or get lost in the peisage (some cool spaces have appeared in this neck of the woods that I hadn't noticed before), or not pay attention to the right turning of the road, or stop for a second to switch from podcast to playlist - to radio station - to audiobook - to some recordings I made 467346723 days ago - to a Ted talk - to a call to a friend. I exaggerate, but still.  None of that happened during the long run on saturday