Life gets in the training

 It's been a very busy few weeks, to say the least. As I sit here on my phone with my coffee with 20mins to spare until sprinting (literally) to school to pick up the boys, I feel I have accumulated a huge sleep debt, and not only that, the debt is taking the payment now - literally brain shutting down and falling asleep. 

The last few days have been exciting - hoosband back from his travels, my parents visiting for a little while, our friend's garden party, Leo's birthday extravaganza, the weather behaving like summer, the hellium balloons still sort of intact, the cat flea treatment seems to have worked, the patio pressured-washed, the pot of Romanian borsh on the stove cooked by my mum, the bouncy castle STILL here and with the possibility of inflating it again later this pm, the little 40mins run done in the morning BEFORE the school run.

And that's  where I feel proud! The training has been slacking due to childcare logistics and Leo's party planning - but I compensated with 1 hour HIIT every other day at home being shouted by my old boy Shaun T (need to link, Shaun T the best, he's also got loads of free workouts on youtube - the most charismatic talkative trainer ever, if I do say so myself ). I am about 30km behind in logged pavement pounding outside, and was keen to resume. The hiatus was worth it though, great, great week has passed. Life, innit!

I slept 5 hours last night, eventually covered with a wet huge towel which helped, and the towel was dry at 6.30 am when the alarm rang.

I am not a morning person for love nor money, ever, but ever. But praise my OCD and anxieties, I did wake up, coffeed, and went for a run! I had forgotten how beautiful early summer mornings are! It was great, slow, sweaty.

I am wondering how best to adjust running times on this heatwave, as mornings are out of my awareness, and evenings are busy ( and if not, exhausting). 

After 6ish days of not training outside, I again felt a teeny weeny bit self conscious in a weird way,the way I guess most ( I mean me) feel when they're going for a run outside for the very first time. I noticed that those thoughts take up a lot of mental energy, even when half-engaging with them ; and I am looking forward to running again as if I am the only one in the world, running in my head, thoughtless, in that repetitive very pleasant rhythm, in machine mode, when I come back home tired but closer to myself than a couple of hours before. 


 I forgot to note about our friends .. I  need to add some things when more time. Life's good when friends are around.
