Dangling by a thread? Rope? in a hammock?



Jumble sale - all stuff gone! Some sold, some given away to be taken to other country.  Hard work when exhausted from bad sleep and ache calves, easy work when  friends with gift-of-gab ambush people to buy the stuff.

Funny thing, best laughed at and seen phylosophically: we were not aware we might be fined if someone whistle blowed that we used the outside of shop to display the stuff. The fine would be 150 quid. We made 100 quid that day! 

Dangling in mid air a bit as organisational skills being put to test. Between house guests (planned, and an absolute pleasure to have around!) , the boys needing entertainment (outdoors with friends, naturally), the need to follow the training plan to a T, with the uber long runs and all, and the absolute need to sleep more, sleep well, sleep early, the need to eat eat eat more than I had thought I could or should, loaf on carbs and water and electrolytes  (which does not come naturally- I'm one of those people who forget to eat), the absolute need to somehow shift the household's (I mean kids) body clock to early-bird level from night-owls level (as the marathon would start at 8am UK time in 4ish weeks- and  I'm not a morning person for love nor money), I feel like I'm squeezed with loads of doors at times. 

Would it be possible to somehow strike such a level of zen that everyone would be OK and my body and mind would be rested and capable of running 42.i-forgot-how-many-metres-exactly on September 25th?

Also- shoot... school starts soon. We need new uniforms,at least 1 nee set as the donkeys are bound to have grown over the summer....

The garden is overgrown, the tomatoes plants collapsing and tomatoes almost ripe.

The house looks like the clothes decided to walk out of the wardrobes. The laundry loop is broken.

The kitten needs vaccinating.

I lost my foam roller at the park- when I stormed out with the kids because Leo decided to throw a ball on my face when I wasn't looking "because mummy you're boring and not playing with me"

My parents have covid and are alone in Romania . 

Today I forgot to take Leo to the birthday party of a friend that he was looking forward to going to.

Proud I remembered to feed my friend's hamster (small victories!).


Skipped the extra long run today as absolutely exhausted after sleep debt accumulated during the past week - tomorrow will NEED to cover those miles.

But yeah. I've got a roof over my head, I got legs, I got food, I got a great circle of support, kids are healthy, I'm not entirely mad yet, so all good.
