Winter trip around a half of a quarter of the world ****in progress

Hello, this is our travel journal and also it's used

For  Our research books for school. 

It works like this: mummy is typing on the

Phone and me and Leo tell her about our 

favourite things from our trip




We woke up rested. The morning was sunny and

 warm.  We had to put on our sunglasses to watch

 out of the window the high speed trains down in

 front of us. Our room is on the 14th floor.  Far we

 can see the sea, or it might just be a giant lake.

 Oh yes, I remember! Last night there was a storm

 far away on the sea and we could see the 

lightening, but we couldn't hear the thunder. When 

the lightening happened, we could see the water 

and the mountains , and when they stopped then it

 was very dark and we couldn't see anything.

The breakfast was very good and I loved it because 

I made a bacon and mushroom bun.  Mummy

 brought to the table a different fruit. She googled it,

 it said it was persimmon or a Japanese apple. 

I am a proffesional egg cracker because

 I peeled my boiled egg by myself. I am so excited 

about going in the fast train to Rome.


I am drawing at the
 breakfast table. I loved my breakfast because I
 love baked beans. My hotel in Italy is Holiday Inn. 

Today we go in the high speed train to Rome from

 Naples. I know the high speed train is going to be

 so fast. It is the fastest in Europe after the

 Eurostar! We are going to Rome, so the Italian

 people say Roma,  not Rome. Our hotel room in 

HolidayInn is 1418.


We also played so much of Rock Paper Scissors 

at the Colloseum. They had so many wild 

animals there like, tigers and they made them to 

fight people   in thestadium. The middle of the 

Colloseum looked like a maze and it has so many

 rooms that are  cages because they put the wild

animals in there  and then they opened hole doors

 in the floor so the animals ran outside but they 

actually ran on the stage and they had to fight 

eachother and fight gladiators. 



MAXI:Today is my birthday!! My favourite things of the

 day are:

Definitely the football match and kissing mummy 

on the cheek, and  also my favourite thing is right 

now at dinner at the restaurant. The breakfast was

 very quick and we ate lunch at the Italian

 McDonalds after going on a train up the hill

 in Napoli. The McDonalds in Napoli tastes just like

 the McDonalds in London and I liked that a lot.

The football in piazza in Napoli was good, but Leo

 was cheating and it was funny because mummy 

took a video and you can see how Leo is cheating.

 Everything today gets a 10 put of 10, no 7s or 9s.


 I am happy Argentina won the World Cup and it was 

the best game of the century. Mbappe versus Messi but 

Messi won! Papa says Messi is a cry baby buy mummy 

says he's not. I definitely want to be a footballer when I 

grow up, and I also want a football Tshirt with Messi on it.


But! this is really important: in Napoli there are

 deadly plants that gave me bad bruises on my

 neck. They have spikey leaves and are sharp and 

if you don't look, you bump into them and they give

 you really bad scratches. 


My favourite thing was drawing and the breakfast

 table. My next favourite thing was taking the

 DLR to the Garibaldi station,and the train, and the

 tram. I also played football with Maxi and I won.

M: the breakfast was very quick, I need to write that

 down so I can remember.





We are in Napoli lounge in the Napoli airport..

 I love the food there and I love the trip. I am 

drawing at the table in the lounge. I am drawing the

 wizzair seat.

Maxi: My favourite thing until now is coming to the Napoli 

lounge at the airport and drawing a Godzilla in my 

research book. 







In the Wizzair flight to Abu Dhabi I sat with mummy 

and Leo was with papa. I played Minecraft 

on mummy's phone and I coloured my spiderman

 colouring book.  

We got a huge taxi from the airport! We had an

 awesome buffet dinner with rice, bbq chicken, 

chicken corma, and I forgot what else. The room is

 OK, but my favourite thing is there's so much space 

to play football. 

I scored from my tries and even scored with a head 

kick. Papa slept with us because Leo was scared to 

sleep by our own. Mummy was very hard to touch 

I mean grumpy not to bother her. 

TUESDAY, 20TH OF DECEMBER -in the morning

 in Abu Dhabi

Leo: I like Napoli better than Abu Dhabi. The hotel 

room was different and better. I liked the 

watermelon at breakfast, but everything as better 

in Napoli. 

Maxi: Today we are going to Dubai!!! And to

 Atlantis, the biggest water park in the world. Papa 

showed us thepicture of the hotel. We are taking a

 taxi to Dubai. Mummy is always late, she is still at 

the breakfast drinking her coffee and we went with 

Papa to the room to get ready for Dubai. I keep playing 

football with Leo in the room and 

my kicks are getting so much better!!!!


 DUBAI -in the afternoon

Leo: The hotel is the best! There are fish at the hotel reception!  The first thing we are doing is

snack time in the lounge, and I am eating watermelon and picking the seeds off it.


We will go next to the the aquarium. I think in  the water there will 

be sharks, fish, and big fish and medium sizes fish. My favourite

 bit of the day has been having breakfast at the Abu Dhabi 

Hotel. But this hotel now is called the Althantis Hotel.  The 

hotel room has open and closing doors and from the balcony 

I can see the Burj Khalifa, the monorail, the waterpark, and 

the Sea. 

Burj Khalifa is the tallest building in the world, and the Shard

 is the second, I think. I know because I saw this on Youtube, 

I am sure it's true! Maxi: I really love this hotel! We can see 

the Burj  Khalifa from the balcony and also we can play so 

much football in the room.






Leo: I didn't like when my head was dropped in

 the water because papa came in my boat and I slid in 

the water because is is a grown-upand it  broke the boat. 

I loved the part when the waves were dripping on me

 during the family ride!

 MaxiI liked the floating river and especially that there

 was a big pirate ship with spraying water everywhere and 

loads of water traps, it was very suitable for me but not so 

suitable for Leo, I challenged myself to go under the spilling 

water from the big bucket on the roof of that pirate ship and

 I loved it so much, so I did that a lot of times.



 Maxi: I don't want to leave the atlantis hotel, home

 to the biggest waterpark in the world. This morning

 I had a bath and watched TV at the same time. It was 

very relaxing. We are taking a taxi to the burn Khalifa and

 having lunch there.


Leo: My favourite thing about the morning was the

 bath. I had a tummy ache in the bath, but it went away.

Monday, 26 DECEMBER 2022 - IN BOMBAY
with our cousins
 Maxi: Today it was good. I played football and 
So many games with Atharv, who is also my cousin from
 India, like Nirvair.  We are having a sleepover even 
mummy and papa and Atharv at Amrita chachi's flat.
Chachi in Indian means she is my aunt.
Leo: I lliked most playing at the play area but Atharv 
wasn't there. You know, tomorrow we might be going in 
a rollercoaster ride in the morning. I like d to go in the 
white toy car around the flat and also I hate the mosquito 
bites because they are so itchy.












Maxi: Today I am tired. We played so much at the mall,

we had rides in the bumber cars and even Atharv was there.

We came back to Simi Bua's house to sleep here,

after we've slept for 2 nights at Nirvair's flat.

Simi bua's house is a flat, and she has another flat

downstairs where we sleep. In Bombay there are 

so many flats and they have aircon, but also there

are lots of mosquitos so we can't leave the windos and the

 doors open.

Today I drank coconut water straight from a coconut,

with a straw. It was so hot outside, I had to go

and sit in the car with the aircon. 



Maxi:  I liked the caves, they are very very old

and from Hinduism. But I hated going up the 

stairway of dread because mummy got distracted

and wanted to do lots of shopping. We had cucumber

sticks and water and Leo had mango strips and water,

it was very hot. Papa bought a gong for a soundbath

for mummy and we banged it and did some 

mediitation in the flat in the night and we practiced 

how to hit it. I hated the monkeys at the caves

because some were mean, but it was very funny when

a monkey opened a bag and stole a bottle of water

from someone, and also when they went into the bin

and took out so many snacks and were eating it 

very funny, like my little brother.  Some people

wanted to take photos with us because papa said 

we look like we are very famous.



