The 5:45AM wake-up and Run, the Dentist and the ADHD

 What a day!

I am absolutelydiscombobulated (please let that be a word) time-wise now and so tired. To my pride, not only have I set the alarm for 5:45AM ( a time where I am never alive), but I did get out of bed, had a coffee, and did my slow jog as per schedule first thing in the morning. Pity I didn't remember to start my running up - swings and roundabouts. I jogged without music, and in the early morning that was absolutely amazing. I fell asleep so late last night , although in bed by 9pm, because just before that moment when sleep comes, my mind decided to remember sh8t-f76k-sh6t-f45k I'm meant to run a marathon in a bit over a week. Then the diareea of thoughts ofcourse went on - running kit-call Place2Be to see if they are OK with me modifying the running top-fundraising (btw pls donate!) -which shoes, really-don'tforget Vaseline and plasters- compressionsocks or not? -earbuds or wired headphones? -kitty bag extra pasta from restaurant the night before?-battery charger?- self tan a-la-The Only Way is Essex(Immigrant Version2.0) or normal for prettifying for the photos? -really, not seeing my kids the day before? is that cruel or not? etc etc etc. 

But I did wake up, and did jog!

I then went for my Dentist check up appointment, which was another BUZZZZZZZZ(+ infinity) . All good, and at the end he's asked me if I am on any medication (he always has). So I tell him I'm on some medication for ADHD on an as needed basis. He did a fast pirouette in his chair, stood up, and declared excitedly 'Really? me too, I have ADHD! I just got diagnosed a few weeks ago!

 Queue the most weirdest excited OTT possibly TMI chat in which he wasn't the Dentist Boss anymore and me the meek sheep Yes-Sir-ing him, but 2 kids fist-pumping welcomign eachother to the club! The nurse probably felt a bit left out of the conversation, but hey, not borign there in a work-day, it seems! So we shared how we received our recent diagnoses, how we came about to suspect it,  what we know about medication, the blessing that it's been to know what's up with this 'wtf is up with my brain at times, I can't have been dropped on the head a a baby more than 20 times, for sure' , how the superfocus works, how the disorganisation is, how having 10 thoughts at once, but at-once at-once at-once feels, how incredibly slow and incredibly fast perception is,  how great is to have explanations for behaviours  that are not loaded with negative value, etc. Then as he accompanied me to the Reception to get a bill, he signed in the Patient box then got the rolling-eye receptionist to produce another printout. I just loved that, because that's how ADHD manifests at times when not fully focused: one makes the most retarded mistakes (those who know me closely can sign their name under this). 

He also said he disclosed to everyone he has ADHD, to raise awwareness, and because, statistically, a huge chunk of the population has ADHD (ofcourse, the most are undiagnosed). That made me wonder why I hadn't told many, or when I did, I sort of whispered in the style of "shhh my leprosy is this" .  Which is weird, because I had felt ( and still feel) like I've won the Jackpot. Those who've been there understand that smile and bingo moment. 

So, anyway! I don't want to forget this day anytime soon, so inhere it goes logged in!

P.S. For those of you curious about your suspected Neurodivergence (isn't that a beautiful word), there are good chances you weren't dropped on the head as a baby, this is the most comprehensive site I've been using to know about ADHD: .  Another one is the local .

