
Because even the sh-t needs logging in

 not much time to go in details now but the last week or so have been a bit  crap, marathon training wise, along other good things (non marathon wise).  1. Blood sugar weirdly low unexpectedly, which needs investigating, and probably eating more. But who can eat in this heat. 2. Some other stresses that I can't divulge yet 3. Last weeks I have been training, alright, but what I didn't do/didn't have time for were the uber long runs at weekends. Skipped about 3 of these. This means I feel it now a bit, when I'm plunging in the most Intense month of training, where distance and intensity are upped to absolute max, so I can taper during the whole of September . This means discipline with sleep, nutrition, alcohol, training. A bit military style, this summer. 4. Panicky a bit, which I hadn't before at all. Need yo unpick what's what and what's not. Can't quote do that laying about with a margarita whilst the kids play happily- when they don't fight.    

The heat's gone to my head

  As of 6 pm today, 68 days 15 hours 23 minutes until the Berlin marathon. Life is happening at the same time as training.  The heat. The trip to Brighton. The visiting parents. The heat is nice, and suffocating. No long run this past weekend. Panicking... hmm kind of, butot yet, not quite. Fitness is good because of the indoor workouts with the fan blasting on my everything. Tara resuming training nicely after Covid. This past weekend we went to Brighton for one night, the whole family. Having done a 7ish km before leaving on Saturday, I indulged into a late night beer and chat on the seafront balcony - bliss... Brighton is so buzzing and alive, and somewhat a culture shock for my visiting parents from Romania - they said it looked like a carnival! Sunday morning I wished I ran along the shore like the tens of other people.. but my hangover was noticeable... a good thing, I suppose, since I have been indulging in alcohol less and less since running regularly. Then, the family. My pare