
The bank holiday 30km run

When I started this journaling here I was looking forward to a post somewhere in the future where'd I'd be feeling super bionic and remember and describe my first longest run ever, over 25 km or so. That distance looked impressive, next-level, and I imagined I'd feel soooo proud (smug? ) about it. But a 25km done and gone, and no time to post- although been thinking about that run and made a Mental.note to log it. Then, a 30km done and gone, and forgot completely about logging it here. Life - summer hols, kids, heat, guests etc got in the way. Then, another 30km done and gone, and felt I should log it really, if only to remember I did it- but immediately thought it was so slow  and weird, and actually not that enjoyable in the last quarter of it, that I'd rather shelf it and think of pretty things. Then the stars aligned and I've got some head space and I'm wondering actually, when else I'd run such a long way (apart from the marathon,  hopefully), so the

Dangling by a thread? Rope? in a hammock?

    Jumble sale - all stuff gone! Some sold, some given away to be taken to other country.  Hard work when exhausted from bad sleep and ache calves, easy work when  friends with gift-of-gab ambush people to buy the stuff. Funny thing, best laughed at and seen phylosophically: we were not aware we might be fined if someone whistle blowed that we used the outside of shop to display the stuff. The fine would be 150 quid. We made 100 quid that day!  Dangling in mid air a bit as organisational skills being put to test. Between house guests (planned, and an absolute pleasure to have around!) , the boys needing entertainment (outdoors with friends, naturally), the need to follow the training plan to a T, with the uber long runs and all, and the absolute need to sleep more, sleep well, sleep early, the need to eat eat eat more than I had thought I could or should, loaf on carbs and water and electrolytes  (which does not come naturally- I'm one of those people who forget to eat), the absol