
The 5:45AM wake-up and Run, the Dentist and the ADHD

 What a day! I am absolutelydiscombobulated (please let that be a word) time-wise now and so tired. To my pride, not only have I set the alarm for 5:45AM ( a time where I am never alive), but I did get out of bed, had a coffee, and did my slow jog as per schedule first thing in the morning. Pity I didn't remember to start my running up - swings and roundabouts. I jogged without music, and in the early morning that was absolutely amazing. I fell asleep so late last night , although in bed by 9pm, because just before that moment when sleep comes, my mind decided to remember sh8t-f76k-sh6t-f45k I'm meant to run a marathon in a bit over a week. Then the diareea of thoughts ofcourse went on - running kit-call Place2Be to see if they are OK with me modifying the running top-fundraising (btw pls donate! ) -which shoes, really-don'tforget Vaseline and plasters- compressionsocks or not? -earbuds or wired headphones? -kitty bag extra pasta from restaurant the night before?-battery c

The "why's" start creeping in

Countdown to Berlin as of today:  3 weeks d4ays Or 180 days Or 25 weeks 5 days Or 45.5% of 2022. Started to look at more training plans, those 16 weeks ones, to choose one that would guarantee passing the finish line.  At the moment we are building up the base, just logging miles as often as we can, together with some yoga and strength training. It is a complicated way of saying I'm legging it out of the house for runs whenever there is a chance, especially during those sweet middle mornings when the kids are at school, doing some yoga with kids on my back later on in the day, which doubles up as strength training.  The other day I felt meh during arun and it prompted me to think why was that. The scary bit for me is that I have a habit of losing interest even in the wildest and most interesting of dreams or projects, after a while. I do not want with all my might that I decide to give up the marathon. So I meditated on it, and it comes down to a few factors: - very likely overtrai